
# 014

this really deserves it's own  post. so, as some of you know, it was my birthday last month and today i FINALLY got my birthday present from my awesome brother. you want to know  what i got? of course you do my little sweeties. well, i'll tell you! he bought me Lea Michele's Brunette Ambition! AND I LOVE IT! so thanks bro<3

it really makes me want to take charge in my life even more. like why do i eat crappy unhealthy food that's bad for me when i can eat good foods and feel good about myself. and my clothing. i buy more but i toss nothing out. i have clothing for elementary school... i have clothing that hasn't fit me in like almost 20 years! nope, no way. time to toss that shit out. if it doesn't fit, if it's broken and not easily fixable, not worn in a year(winter clothing does NOT count, it was a warm winter), it's out. and if i haven't fixed broken clothing in 6 months, they're gone too. and shoes, if i never wear them, bye bye. clothing i don't wear anymore deserves a better owner than me.

so thank you again brother, i love you.<3

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