
# 010

sorry for the looong delay in writing, life has been totally crazy. i got sick a couple of weeks after i started an internship and i was sick for a few weeks and then i moved to a bigger place and then school started and i didn't have any time to write. all my free time went to me trying to have a social life. but, i am now, back and ready to.. whatever.

so, i'm trying to remember what all has happened. i cut my hair. bangs.. and i love them. i was terrified to go to the salon because usually my hair gets ruined and i end up hating it and growing it out but now, by some miracle, my hairdresser really listened and asked questions and understood and i came out with perfect bangs. then they overgrew and i cut them again, this time a bit shorter and now, they have, again, overgrown. i'm just trying to figure out a good time to visit the salon again.

i was in a relationship. lasted for like two weeks. i am single again, happily so. i realized that people who i thought were my friends actually aren't and i surprisingly feel fine with it. i've been home a lot lately, but i don't mind, i feel like i'm finding myself again. i do still go out on the weekends but life has calmed down a lot. i'm more focused at school too.

to be honest, i kinda went in to shock finding out that someone special to me died this summer.. i'm still not completely over it, and never will be, but life goes on and i will cherish everything about them forever, they will always be in my heart.

oh, and i've started to wear more skirts and dresses. i know, shocking. i used to hate them with a fiery passion, now i strongly dislike wearing anything that can cut off my bloodflow. thought since this is finland, i do still wear jeans and stuff, but i avoid it if possible. also, after i trampled my leg, i've worn heels a lot more and my feet can actually take it now, really couldn't before. they started to hurt like 5 minutes after putting heels on. i can't wear heels at school and it is kindof fround upon there, but on my freetime, going out and stuff, i opt for heels. not always but sometimes.

well, i still have a LOT more to say but i feel like this is getting to be too long as it is so stay tuned...

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