
# 008

midnight ramblings. world i love you. and hate too.  i've been so bored today, i could think of nothing to do so i just did my hair like 2 minutes ago, i did some schoolstuff, semi-decorated my studyspace which doesn't really have anything changed, it's a bit cleaner and now it has a purpleish wall because i put a curtain up but really, this is not a nice space. some shelves would be nice or something. i don't know.

i realized that i keep liking men who are taken or not available to me. and i also realized why. no chance of getting them, no chance of getting my heart ripped to pieces and eaten by wolves. or something. but it sucks because i actually do want a relationship. with someone who likes me for me. and doesn't get down on me for smoking. or my coffee-habit. or being a nerd.

maybe i should go play something. or do something other than write, sitting here makes me kindof uncomfortable for some reason. and my stupid laptop keyboard doesn't like me today -enter saddest face ever here-. so much for being a nerd i guess.

also, i hate my hair.


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